Shannon Duskie
The Playground Project
Something came across me on Saturday as I watched Samson run excitedly toward the playground. Joy. Hope. Love. Past feelings of uncertainty. Heartbreak. Fear.
On the other side of this playground, there is a metal sign that displays the names and organizations of the people that made this playground exist. My name, along with the rest of Leadership Mitchell County Class XVI and others, are listed. A lot of time and effort went into this project. The entire time I was wondering IF I would ever have a child of my own to enjoy it.
Month by month this playground was pieced together as our class members wrote grants, hosted community fundraiser events and researched equipment. As each month passed, I did my best to stay positive but typically found myself in a hole - overwhelmed with emotions of uncertainty, heartbreak and fear at least one or two days. The playground was installed in the fall of 2016 and just a few months later, I was pregnant with Sam.
This is why my heart aches for all the men and women who have to go through that struggle too. The emotions that go into that are some of the strongest I've ever felt and learning to deal with them in a positive way was no easy task. It is also why I look at this beautiful child and celebrate the miracle that he is!! Praising and thanking the Lord for letting him be ours - to enjoy this playground together!